What Is an IP Address? Published: 18 Dec, 2022

What Is an IP Address?
IP addresses, which stand for internet protocol addresses, are identification numbers connected to certain computers or computer networks. The IP address enables computers to send and receive data when they are linked to the internet.
IP Address's Operation
Computers may send and receive data over the internet with the help of an IP address. The majority of IP addresses are only numbers, however as internet usage increases, some addresses now include contain letters. IP addresses come in four varieties: public, private, static, and dynamic. Static and dynamic signify permanence, whereas public and private indicate the location of the network (private is used inside the network, and public is used outside the network). An IP address that is static was manually generated rather than being assigned. A static IP address is also permanent, in contrast to a dynamic IP address, which is given by a DHCP server and is susceptible to change. The most typical kind of internet protocol addresses are dynamic IP addresses. Unlike static IP addresses, dynamic IP addresses have a limited lifespan and eventually expire. Either the computer will automatically request a new lease or a new IP address might be assigned to it. Since each IP address is fully unique to the machine or person it is issued to, they can be compared to Social Security Numbers (SSNs). Routers can track where they are transferring data on the internet thanks to the generation of these numbers. Additionally, they guarantee that the intended recipients' devices are receiving the messages. A router needs an IP address to deliver to the desired web address, just like the post office needs a postal address to deliver a parcel.
Illustration of an IP Address.
Online content that is encrypted and not searchable by common search engines is referred to as the "dark web." Criminals can transact in unlawful items on the dark web's illegal online market. Since many of these exchanges use bitcoin, an online money, it is more difficult for law enforcement to find and apprehend those who engage in these transactions. Agents with the Department of Homeland Security disguised as weapons dealers in order to access the computers of suspects who were attempting to buy guns illegally in 2018, following a year-long federal operation. They were able to do this to get IP addresses, which they then utilized to determine the whereabouts of more individuals who were.
How Is Someone's IP Address "Spoofed"?
Using a virtual private network, you can alter your IP address to appear to be from another location (VPN). These services simply conceal the internet address of your computer by having your computer join their network virtually. As a result, their IP address will be displayed as yours. Hackers may also spoof IP addresses by modifying the source address in a malicious data packet header to appear as a reliable source and be accepted.
IPv6 Address: What Is It?
Four one- to three-digit numbers, separated by a dot, make up IPv4 addresses. A 128-bit alphanumeric value known as an IPv6 address is used to identify an endpoint device online in the most recent version of internet addressing.